The building in which teach is similar to Allen Hall in some ways. It is located miles from the main campus, so students have to drive or utilize public tranportation to get there. Also, it´s the building for all UMU education majors (I´ve learned that the Universidad de Murcia´s proper abbreviation is UMU--though I have no idead where the extra "U" comes from).
Then again this building is a bit different than good ole Allen. I think Allen Hall could actually take notes.
The other day there was an unofficial fiesta (another fiesta in Spain...go figure) during which the freshman are initiated by the seniors. Basically, the freshman pay €10 to attend, skip class, drink beer, and have eggs thrown at them. One of my classes found this way more appealing that the "debate" lesson I had planned, and every one of my students skipped. So I walked around¨"el Allen Hallo" and took pictures of sights that I thought were interesting.
First we´ll start with my classroom...
View from my classroom window (2nd floor)

The "rubbish bin" that´s found in all classrooms (blue is for trash and yellow is for recycling)

This is where I check in to get my key for the classroom, computer, projector remote, and chalk

A vending machine on the firt floor--notice the supplies
Exit sign--these are found all over Europe. I just find them amusing.

No smoking--the ironic thing about this is my hallway always wreaks of smoke

"Notice the beer in class"
Maybe I´ll come back and help Allen Hall make rennovations.
Ashley, it is so great to see you doing so well in Spain. Madara and I enjoyed looking at all of your photos. Madara is jealous! Enjoy! Kate and Madara
Allen Hall-esque, indeed, but there's no cool school-supply vending machine in Allen. I know it's totally nerdy of me, but I would *love* to have one of those handy. :^)
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