Friday, November 26, 2010

Climbing Mountains and Making (Our Own) History

Last Saturday morning I hopped in a car with Maria, Craig, and Pepín, Maria's brother, and we drove 20-30 minutes outside of Murcia to go hiking in the mountains. We followed a trail that leads to a mountaintop with ruins of a castle's foundation. From this view, we could see all of Murcia--the city and region. I would love to give you some historical information about this mountain and its ruins, but I don't even know the name of it. Every time I tell Murcians that I climbed a mountain with a castle on top, they all ask, "Which one?" I even Googled the name of the trail that I saw on a sign at the bottom of our climb--no definitive results. So instead of providing you with cultured, educational facts about this historical landmark, I'll just share a fun little video I made.

(Remember: Before viewing, go to the very bottom of this page and pause the music in the grayish, white box.)

It wasn't your typical Appalachian mountain, but I had to add the bluegrass music. Happy climbing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way cool