Monday, May 21, 2012

Finally...the final part of the trip: Pamplona and Zaragoza

Cathedral of Zaragoza
It's taken me about a month to finish up my "quick trip recap," but I'm finally doing it.  Here are some shots of Pamplona and Zaragoza.

They were both small cities, especially Pamplona.  They were also the final stops of the trip, so we took it easy and had tranquilo visits.

It was a little rainy in Pamplona, and there wasn't as much to do for a passing-trough tourist.  However, I did enjoy walking along the infamous route of the Running of the Bulls, especially since I was in the middle of reading Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises, which is centered around Pamplona's best-known festival.

Zaragoza was a little larger with one of the most impressive cathedrals I've seen in Spain.  We took advantage of the good weather (which, other than in Pamplona, seemed to have followed us while I rained in every other corner of Spain) and spent most of the day sitting and reading in the plaza in front of the cathedral.

But the adventure didn't stop in Zaragoza.  The next day we headed to Madrid and caught a plane to Craig's home, Jersey.  And that leg of the trip merits its own blog series...

a tribute to the encierro

ayuntamiento of Pamplona


My advice to a guiri: Ok, to a sensible guiri (since a good percentage of Running of the Bulls participants are, in fact, guiris)...visit Pamplona in the off season and read A Sun Also Rises to appreciate Hemmingway's influence on the city.  And if you're in the Aragón region, don't miss Zaragoza's cathedral.

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